Politiques et procédures

Human Resources

  • Evaluation - Managers
    The performance evaluation process is designed to be formative, provide feedback to managers on their accomplishments and help them achieve their potential.
  • Evaluation - Managers - Schedules
    Guidelines and templates for the evaluation of managers
  • Evaluation - Professionals
    The performance evaluation process is designed to be formative, provide feedback to professionals on their accomplishments and help them achieve their potential.
  • Evaluation - Support Staff
    The performance evaluation process is designed to be formative, provide feedback to support staff on their accomplishments and help them achieve their potential.
  • Human Resource Management Policy
    The general objectives of this policy are to influence attitudes, behaviours, approaches and styles of personal interaction between individuals and groups in order to enhance the contributions of all employees to the College’s Mission; and to  clarify how the management of human resources helps maintain a high quality of services provided by the College.
  • Policy for Management Personnel
    Defines local working conditions of managers
  • Policy to Stem Violence, Discrimination, Harassment and the Abuse of Power
    Dawson College recognizes that all its employees and students are entitled to a respectful and harmonious work and/or study environment free from violence, discrimination, all forms of harassment, and the abuse of power, where respect of the individual’s dignity, physical and psychological integrity are safeguarded. To this end, Dawson College will take all reasonable measures to prevent incidents of violence, discrimination, harassment and the abuse of power, and, when informed of such incidents whether informally or formally in writing, will intervene to address them.
  • Staffing Recruitment and Hiring - Faculty
  • Staffing Recruitment and Hiring - Non-teaching Personnel

Prévention et réponse à la violence sexuelle

Cliquez ici pour consulter les politiques et procédures en matière de lutte contre les violences sexuelles.

Code de conduite

Code de conduite
Toute personne qui vient travailler, assister à un cours ou visiter le campus du Collège a droit non seulement à un environnement sûr et sain, mais aussi à être traitée avec respect et civilité. Ces principes sont à la base de la politique du code de conduite de Dawson qui s'applique à l'ensemble de la communauté de Dawson, y compris les étudiants, les employés, ainsi que les visiteurs et les entrepreneurs qui viennent au Collège.

Dernière modification : 18 juin 2024