
  • Accounts Policy
    This policy applies to employees with privileged access to accounts, systems, or information within systems, as well those who implement, deploy or manage systems.
  • BackUp Policy
    The goal of this policy is to ensure timely restoration of information in the event of accidental deletion, corruption, system failure, or disaster.
  • IT Incident Management Policy
    This policy defines the protocol to report, assess, resolve and follow-up IT incidents
  • IT Security Policy
    This document outlines your responsibilities, as an employee and user of IT resources, regarding IT security. It complements and gives concrete examples but does not replace existing policies and legislation.
  • IT User Policy
    The goal of this policy is to ensure that the College’s IT resources are used to support Dawson’s Mission and to define the standard of conduct expected from users.
  • Password Policy
    All employees, students, and other users of the College’s IT resources are responsible for taking the appropriate steps, as outlined in the document ablove, to select and secure their password(s).

Dernière modification : 18 juin 2024