
  • Institutional Student Evaluation Policy (ISEP)
    Dawson College is committed to maintaining standards of academic excellence and promoting equitable and effective evaluation of student learning. The Institutional Student Evaluation Policy (ISEP) outlines the roles and responsibilities of students, teachers and administrators with regard to student evaluation, and sets out the rules about assessment, grades and academic standing.
  • Politique Institutionnelle D'Évaluation des Apprentissages Français
    Le Collège Dawson s'engage à maintenir des normes d'excellence académique et à promouvoir une évaluation équitable et efficace de l'apprentissage des étudiants. La politique institutionnelle d’évaluation des apprentissages (PIEA) décrit les rôles et responsabilités des étudiants, des enseignants et des administrateurs en ce qui concerne l'évaluation des étudiants, et définit les règles concernant l'évaluation, les notes et le classement académique.
  • Policy on Ombudservices
    The object of this policy is to delineate the roles, responsibilities, sphere of activity, reporting structure and process for nomination of the ombudspersons of Dawson College.
  • Policy to Stem Violence, Discrimination, Harassment and the Abuse of Power
    Dawson College recognizes that all its employees and students are entitled to a respectful and harmonious work and/or study environment free from violence, discrimination, all forms of harassment, and the abuse of power, where respect of the individual’s dignity, physical and psychological integrity are safeguarded. To this end, Dawson College will take all reasonable measures to prevent incidents of violence, discrimination, harassment and the abuse of power, and, when informed of such incidents whether informally or formally in writing, will intervene to address them.

Dernière modification : 18 juin 2024